Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fun little rhyme

Nothing is new.
Nothing is true.
And none of this
Is about you.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Misadventures of Magical Margret the Magnificent

The vicious and malicious elves burst from the queen's magical flute, where they had been hiding, waiting for Meg to try out the gift from Plerf, the Dark Dragon. Earlier that week, He had given it as a "peace offering", to put an end to their years of battle, and practical jokes on one another. Although, as most often do, he underestimated the queen of light who happened to know all too well of this fiendish plot of treachery. For she had friends in high places, such as george, the pegasus unicorn, who had been spying on Plerf during his scheming.
On retrieving this cursed instrument, she had made every excuse to not perform, for she had a plan of revenge already. When the dwarfs of Munglein asked her to play twinkle twinkle, she said she was too parched, and needed hidration. On request of the fairies of Hugllehues to honor them with a Beatles tune, she argued she had not the sheet music. And when the minotaurs asked for Led Zepplin, she admitted, that she just was not THAT awesome(of course she was, but she needed an excuse). Finally, when her plan of pay back was set up she invited all as she played Manchester Orchestra's whole play list. Everyone in the region gathered.
She played, and everyone cheered, but Plerf was perplexed. He had no clue as to what went wrong. as she wrapped up "Everything to Nothing", she gave thanks to Plerf, and the treaty, and ened to war, and then said something that surprised plerf even more. "ATTACK!!!!" It had turned out, that she had been finding the one thing that would pursuade the elves to work for her. The only reason the were evil, was because they were lonely, so they had a sleep over, and they all spooned and cuddled. They bent to her whim, and were trained to take down the dragon and his troops. With the aid of all her faithful followers, and her beauty and grace and magical skills, she captured him in a statue form, as a trophy resembling a dance competition trophy.

And everyone lived a happily ever after
The End.
For Now...

Friday, October 2, 2009

As whoever might have been keeping up may have realized, there has not been much to keep up with. My sincerest apologize, so I shall actually make one now.

Topic 1.
Perhaps you read these because you have no life of your own, or maybe it is because you need an escape from your quite hectic life. Then again, we all are just looking for answers, so here goes nothing, or at most a few minutes of your unimportant life =D.

Depression, can begin a multitude of ways. But, if your way it started wasn't with an original happiness, then you should tell your doctor. For as the saying often goes, "The taller they are, the harder they fall." I am typically not the type of person to just believe because many people say it, but i have encountered examples of this specific one quite a few times. A quick vague form of this, is when you set your standards high, then they are destroyed. Or, a more visual one, the Twin Towers for Gosh sakes. Had they not been so tall, or close together, they couldn't have fallen so far. Now that is a kind of bad one, so I will now go to eye level with you, hypothetically, and get personal.
I fall in love hard and fast, most likely due to hormones I could do without at this time. Once I do this, i just set myself up like a domino ring of emotions...

You know what, this isnt important at all... What is, is that it doesnt matter how crappy your life is, the easy way out is called suicide, it is against the law of the government, and of flat out morals. It is called giving up, which is not what humans are built for. Homosapien sapiens, the creatures who found a way to survive almost all of Earth's climates. WE KICK ASS!!!! Biodiversity is cool, and it rocks, because it is what ensures that we all have someone out there for us. Giving up, is just stupid, cause that person is out there somewhere, and they would never forgive you for leaving them alone. Self pity, meet everyone else's pity.
Earlier today, I came home, alone, as usual, and I needed some rest sure, but I was still pissed that when i talk to my friends, and even say how bored I am, they dont invite me to hang out, im not going to be a creeper/stalker/sketchballer. Something i said to a friend of mine recently, she was telling me how her life isnt perfect, and she gets lonely and sad just like me. As humans, we can easily see other people's lives, but can't help ourselves, it is like trying to look into your own eyes without a mirror. That is when i had an epiphany. I told her
"there is no such thing as perfect
there is just our rediculous over expectations so maybe, your life is just the way it is supposed to be, to make you who you are suposed to be"

I have no clue what im talking about, just typing randomlpretty awesome, yeppurs. so have good lives, maybe i can focus my stuff more next week, NEED SLEEPPPP!!!